Update from The Staff – 02/11/2020


Sir Knights and Ladies:
Congratulations to the officers and Sir Knights of Jackson No. 53 for successfully completing their inspection; now it’s on to Athens No. 15 this Saturday.
This year, Athens No. 15 is the only Commandery in Ohio to be inspected by the Right Eminent Grand Commander!  Traditionally, the REGC inspects the home Commandery of the Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander (SK Starr), and vice versa.  It’s our pleasure on Saturday to host Sir Knight Robert C. Hager and Lady Del in our Division.
The banquet (no charge for the Sir Knights and Ladies) begins at Noon with the Order of the Temple to follow at approximately 1:15 PM (no Full Form Opening; No. 15 has already been reviewed) at the Athens Masonic Complex.  
SK Travis L. Brown, first-time Eminent Commander, and the officers, Sir Knights and Ladies of Athens 15 welcome everyone as we enjoy a day of Templar fellowship in the Southeastern Division.
Remember to watch for Division updates on our SE Division Facebook page. You can also view the remaining state-wide inspection schedule on our Grand Commandery home page, www.ohioknightstemplar.com.
The SE Division Staff
