Update from The Staff – 03/18/2020


Sir Knights and Ladies,
Our Right Eminent Grand Commander, Sir Knight Robert C. Hager, has issued General Order No. 14, which cancels all previously scheduled Commandery inspections in Ohio through April 25, 2020.
For the Southeastern Division, this directive impacts Logan No. 78 (Mar. 21), Ironton No. 45 (Mar. 28), Ohio Valley No. 24 (April 4) and Lancaster No. 2 (April 18).
Additionally, our Most Worshipful Grand Master, MWB Keith Newton, has issued an edict ordering all organized Masonic activity to be canceled through May 10, 2020.  This edict includes the appendant bodies, so there will be no Masonic meetings or gatherings of any kind until at least May 10.
As disappointing as it is not to complete our Commandery inspections, the national emergency declared by the President due to the COVID-19 virus made this a necessary step.   There are a number of candidates in our Division who are waiting patiently to receive the Commandery orders and other degree work in the York Rite, but we need to exercise patience and understanding during this crisis.  Eminent Commanders, especially first-timers, who want to earn their inspection certificate will be given an opportunity to demonstrate their proficiency.  Those arrangements will be made once we get a better handle on the timeframe we are looking at in order to resume Masonic activities.  
In the meantime, if you are able, check on your neighbors and your Brothers, and if you and yours need help, reach out to us.  As best we can in these times, let’s practice those virtues central to us as Masons.
Courteously,Tom StarrDeputy Grand CommanderGrand Commandery Knights Templar of Ohio
