Grand Lodge – Form Lines


All Sir Knights who want to help form lines and post colors at Grand Lodge:

There will be LIMITED street parking on Friday and Saturday on Butler St. near the Dyson-Baudo Center. Access Butler St. from 4th St. Recommend you park by 7:00 AM. Grand Lodge opens at 8:30 but parking is at a premium and you’ll need time to walk the short distance, change, and line up. Inform the parking attendants you are with Commandery and are helping with the lines. The fact that you will be carrying your KT uniform, sword and chapeau is your ticket to use this local parking. Otherwise you’ll need to catch a shuttle. I’ll have shuttle details in a separate post.

There will be a secure room inside the Center to change into your Class A and to leave your uniform after GL opens.

All Sir Knights from all Divisions are welcome to assist, and we will need a Standard Guard to post colors. We have been asked to form lines both Friday and Saturday morning.

Our REGC asks Grand Commandery officers to wear a black sport coat/suit jacket with collar and jewel for the GL business session.

Thanks to Brother and Sir Knight John Goins from Marietta No. 50 for this info!

Post or Message me if you have any questions.
